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Image by Tj Holowaychuk

Counseling for students

In my counseling practice I also help students with (mental) problems that lead to difficulties with studying.


I can help you with the following problems:


  • Problems with study motivation, such as not being motivated or no longer enjoying studying, procrastination, difficulty with planning and keeping a clear overview, difficulties with setting priorities, doubts about your study choice.

  • Stress/burn-out symptoms

  • Performance anxiety, eg excessive worrying about an exam or presentation, shutting down from anxiety, tension complaints, perfectionism, difficulty with feedback and criticism.

  • Personal problems, such as lack of self-confidence, general dissatisfaction with yourself, difficulties with your identity and/or sexuality, symptoms of depression, difficulty with social relationships, social pressure, difficulty in combining home situation or independent living and your study).

  • Worries about life after your study, such as uncertainty about what you want to do after your graduation, worries about the future.



As a counselor, I can help you get a better grip on the problem or situation you encounter during your study.


A lot is often expected of you in student life. Combining your study with a sudden independence when you live on your own and social pressure from the outside can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to juggle all these balls in the air. Many students have certain (negative) thoughts about themselves, thoughts about others and about what they expect from you. The pressure you feel can cause you to become increasingly stuck in life and it can be difficult to get out of this negative spiral. All this has a negative influence on your emotional state, your study motivation and your study behavior.

As a counselor, I can help you check how realistic your thoughts are and then adjust unrealistic, unhelpful thoughts. In doing so, we look for ways in which you can regain control of the situation in a goal-oriented manner. This gives you more confidence, makes you less critical of yourself and makes you feel better. That in turn leads to you become more optimistic about your study, postponing less and finding more pleasure in studying again. 


For more information about how counseling works, see the general counseling page


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